Standard Rates
In North Carolina, title insurance rates must be filed with the North Carolina Department of Insurance. This rate structure became effective on March 1, 2020, and are as follows:
Minimum Premium
The minimum premium for regular rates and reissue rates shall be $51.00
Regular title insurance rates for a Loan and/or an Owner’s Policy (Per Thousand)

ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance and ALTA Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy
The ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance and ALTA Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy are available for qualifying improved one-to-four family residences at the applicable Rate plus an additional 20% of the Regular Rates.

At Magnolia Title Company, LLC, we confidently offer multiple coverage options designed to provide you with vastly superior coverage.
Additional Rates
Simultaneous Issue Rate: There is a premium charge of $26.00 for each Loan Policy issued simultaneously with an Owner’s Policy.
Commitment Premium: There is a premium charge of $15.00 for the issuance of a Commitment. This is for an Owner's Policy, a Loan Policy, or an Owner's policy that includes a Loan Policy (i.e. Simultaneous Issue).
Standard Residential Endorsements: Endorsement Premiums in the amount of $21.00 shall be charged for the following ALTA Endorsements:
- ALTA Endorsement 5 (Planned Unit Development)
- ALTA Endorsement 8.1 (Environmental Protection)
- ALTA Endorsement 9 (Restrictions, Encroachments, Minerals)
When a Prior Policy has been issued on Identical Property within fifteen (15) years, the Rate shall be 50% of the Regular Rate up to the amount of the Prior Policy. Regular Rates shall apply to coverage amounts in excess of the Prior Policy amount. The Prior Policy or HUD-1 must be provided to the Insurer to receive the Reissue Rate.
When a Prior Policy has been issued to a Subdivider/Developer/Builder within fifteen (15) years, the Rate shall be 50% of the Regular Rate up to the sales price of the individual lot, unit, or tract subdivided from the Land originally insured. The Prior Policy or HUD-1 must be provided to the Insurer to receive the Reissue Rate.